Pic of the day May 31, 2006

Winter officially begins tomorrow in the southern hemisphere. What better time then now to can some truly bloody-hot chillis from the garden.
I call these chillis "Devil Chillis"*. I have no idea what their true name is but they have seeds as black as death and juice just as lethal. I was given a few by this "greenie" teacher (that's what her students refered to her as) I worked with a couple years ago. They blew my top back then so I saved the seeds, planted them and two years later I'm still picking about a jar every quarter year.
The beauty of Melbourne is that the lack of frost allows for a full-year growing cycle. In fact, the winter months are my favorite growing season as I don't have to actively water. In a land ravaged by drought, summer is too labour and worry intensive. Tomatoes are great but it's so much easier to grow and harvest winter lettuce, onions, peas and chillis. Well anyway, chilli plants, they're drought tolerant and mean (and Hot) as hell, so no worries there.
I have the heat now, bring on the winter!!!
*They kick ass on a pizza or in a curry.
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