18 April, 2008

Pic of the Day 18 April, 2008

Bottles on tile sound funny...
Sorry for the poor quality phone video.


At 11:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watching that was my stress relief for the day. She is the cutest!

At 10:49 am, Blogger jroth777 said...

STRESS???? What stress...you're retired!

At 4:55 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I AM retired and that comes with its own number of stresses:
-Do I have to get up before 7:00 to let the dogs out?
-Should I get dressed before noon?
-Walk in the morning or afternoon or both?
-Who do I got to lunch with today?
-Clean the garage or go shopping?
etc., etc., etc.!!!

At 8:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I vote for clean the garage

At 1:25 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, cleaning the garage was a really good idea, but then I got called into sub. Now the garage still won't get cleaned - more stress!


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