18 September, 2008

Video of the Day 18 September, 2008

I think I've finally found a link
to that pesky 27% that still support Curious Gorge...

Holy Spirit!!!!

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At 2:20 pm, Blogger Mauzi said...

that is too funny - i've got tears rolling down my face. surely they're not going off to jungle though?!

At 12:19 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you notice the kid in the front row with the white shirt? He hardly moved - must have been either stoned or scared to death!

At 12:36 am, Blogger erro said...

I think that is how the Salem witch trials started.

At 12:46 am, Blogger amecameca said...

i watched it THREE times!!! that poor kid sitting alone on the front row, eh? and did you see all those sarah palin hair-dos?
praise the lord indeed.

At 1:36 am, Blogger jroth777 said...

Mauz said the same thing about the poor kid in the front row. Same sad face as the sad Jehova's kid the Searchlight crew dragged along to ours on their last conversion Saturday. I felt so bad for that long-faced innocent little guy.

Born to wackos. What can ya do?

The best bit is when the dad is "taken by the spirit" and falls on his clumsy ass!!! Ha ha ha...crazy fuckers.

Matt...were you a "front-row kid"???


At 4:03 am, Blogger toelessjoe said...

makes me wanna find the lord, drop some xtc, do my freaky dry hump dance on the front row boy, and get loose!

At 1:50 pm, Blogger amecameca said...

yes jack, i was...
my mom (god luv 'er) wanted to impress the minister or some shit, so we always had to sit front row center - i HATED it. funnily enough, mom always complained under her breath if the minister went on too long: "dammit! i've got a roast in the oven. we gotta get home soon or it will be dry as bone!"

At 2:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come to Jesus all you sinners and you too can act like some crazy fuck and blame it on the holy spirit. I am still laughing!

Poor little front row boy--I wonder if he accepted an invite from his friend to "come to church with me--it'll be cool"


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