25 August, 2011

Pic of the Day 25 August, 2011



At 3:07 am, Anonymous Scotty Scott said...

So true. I hear my step-kids complain that they have inherited their mom's knee condition. I guess this is a feeble attempt to explain why they can't run, take out the trash, do the dishes or perform anything more physically demanding than listening to their MP3 players and talking on the phone. The problem with their claim is that their mom's knee problem isn't genetic; it was the result of a bicycle/motorcycle collision at the age of 8.

At 10:12 am, Blogger jroth777 said...

Yeah...I've been teaching for 15 years and that's all I have to say about that.

At 10:12 am, Blogger jroth777 said...

Yeah...I've been teaching for 15 years and that's all I have to say about that.


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