04 June, 2006


I recieved an email today informing me that my blog is in fact not a random Spam generating device. Thank the blog gods! So you can all rest easy, I do not want to increase your libido or sell you Valium at back alley prices. I just want your cyber (but not “cyber”) love.

That means someone other than a handful of friends and family have actually viewed this site and given it a “thumbs-up” of sorts. Actually they probably don’t give a shit seeing as it took them over a week to get around to my space and truthfully I reckon they’re a bit too busy to actually check the place out. Just a click and then away…

Thankfully, I don’t have any more annoying verification codes to fill out.

Ironically, on the same day, I received a spam comment on my blog, informing me that it was “Top-notch”. Awkward, yes, but encouraging nonetheless. It went on to praise my blog in all sorts of computer-generated translation lingo. My ego was really beginning to balloon now. Unfortunately it concluded that I should visit a particular website…to buy a new domain name in the United Kingdom.

How low.

Figures, the best compliment I’ve been given this week is some randomly generated, ego-stroking piece of spam trawling for some cash. Actually, that’s not true, my fiancé called me a ‘spunk’*.

*I have to acknowledge that my lovely editor Mauzi added that last sentence.


At 7:14 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.

At 9:16 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear jack,

i look at your website all the time man! i just never leave a comment cause i thought you didn't check them...


At 4:58 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes the library won't let me view your blog because it filters sites with swear words. But I try to check it when I can. I will leave more comments from now on. Sorry -- I really enjoy getting to see all the pictures... it makes it feel like you're not so far away.


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