Random Notes From the Southern Hemisphere
Random notes, photos and musings from the "Land Down Under". Lame and self-serving I know, but a good way to keep you all updated as I'll never be any good at emailing.
26 January, 2008
22 January, 2008
21 January, 2008
Something I Overheard
Overheard at:
Brunetti Café, Lygon St, Carlton
So wadda they do after they put the wax on?
They just rip it off.
All of it???
What about around your…what about the parts?
They get in around there too.
It all goes?
So you got…nothing there?
What!…this is an embarrassing conversation!
Everyone does it now.
What Brazilian?
Yea, Pretty much.
I’d tell you more if I knew you better…
(A very long pause)
Well…this is a strange way to end a conversation.
18 January, 2008
17 January, 2008
Madison (Borrowed from Buddha) Part 1
Thanks to Buddha

Anyway, it was probably the first time in my life I have lived completely without a television and have to admit that we were extremely productive. We read heaps, painted, took photos, drank Leinies and just walked everywhere.

...For posting this old pic of our summer 2003 squat in Madison, WI. That's
Jason there snooping through my journal. He and Buddha had come down to pay us a visit.
We had a great time and thankfully, no one got arrested.
That pic certainly brings back some fun memories. In fact, we'd think about settling in Madison if we ever moved back to the US (fat chance) and if the winters weren't so brutal.We loved that place. We sub-let it from some student on summer holiday. The place was completely barren except for a lopsided La-Z-Boy and a couple of dead plants on the balcony.
All we had was some camp cooking gear, a couple of sleeping bags and a very leaky air mattress. The rest of the furnishings came from either Goodwill or from off the street. There's a great Goodwill in Madison where you pay by the pound. That 3-legged table cost us just a couple bucks as did the old Polaroid on top.
It took great photos too!
(Perhaps you could enlighten us on the reason for your particular expression here???)
It was a beautiful summer and there was a beach just a few hundred meters down the road. One of those Wisconsin lake beaches with a lot of grass, a little patch of sand and a little floating platform a bit out from the beach with a diving board.
Very carefree days.