31 August, 2008

Breaking News

More Republican Fascism:
Massive police raids
on suspected protestors
in Minneapolis
Which is you Buddha?

End of Month Music Tip-August

Whatever is Isobel listening to???
(Click image to find out)


Pic of the day 30 August, 2008

Pic of the day 29 August, 2008

Countries that still haven't gone metric.

A Wise Man Commented:
"Ha ha ha ha ha, that's hilarious... and yet very telling.
the US, Myanmar, and, what is that? Liberia?
All three have suffered for years under
regressive dictatorships and corrupt politicians...
why do these people hate freedom and the metric system?

28 August, 2008

What I Want...

Anyone know where I can find one of these?

26 August, 2008


Law enforcement authorities have arrested two men, and several law enforcement sources say the investigation is looking into whether the men intended to harm presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama.
According to multiple sources, Aurora police made a routine traffic stop Sunday morning at 2:38 a.m. The Secret Service says two rifles were found in the car along with methamphetamine. Another law enforcement source says he was told at least one of the rifles was a "sniper rifle."
"Anyone else hear banjos?"

Pic of the Day 26 August, 2008

Pic of the Day 25 August, 2008

24 August, 2008

Pic of the Day 24 August, 2008

Gotta Love Ebay:
We sold this piece of crap sink from our
old bathroom to some guy for $220!
And bought this beautiful piece for $152!!!SUCKAAAAAZ!

Cool Video

Firestorm from powrslave on Vimeo.

From Steve Hatchett and Vimeo, an impressive time-lapse view of the 2005 Simi Valley fire that consumed 25,000 acres. The fire was filmed over 28 hours with three different cameras. Watch for Mars, Orion and the Moon rising at various times in the night sky.

22 August, 2008

It's that time again!


I don't know which I find more ridiculous:Race Walking
or Synchronised Swimming

20 August, 2008

Pic of the Day 20 August, 2008

19 August, 2008

Pic of the Day 19 August, 2008


Pic of the Day 18 August, 2008

16 August, 2008

I'm SO there!!!

Texas School District To Let Teachers Carry Concealed Firearms
HARROLD, Texas —
A tiny Texas district will allow teachers and staff members
to carry concealed firearms to deter and protect against school shootings
when classes begin this month, provided
the gun-toting employees follow certain requirements.

Pic of the Day 16 August, 2008

14 August, 2008

Pic of the Day 15 August, 2008


Madchester Anthems

And while I'm on the subject of Baggy Bands:

How "oof 'is face" is Bez in this commercial???

Labels: ,

13 August, 2008

Pic of the Day 13 August, 2008

From the Archives
It's hard to believe that 18 years ago today I sketched
this image of David back in our Uni days.
It was summer break,
I was just recovering from mono and David came to visit
and cheer me up. We were into gin & tonics & the Stone Roses
and very soon we'd be packing for Nottingham.


12 August, 2008

Hometown Crime

6:07 p.m. -911 call
a Chetek 8-1/4 Avenue caller's neighbor is in her yard
with a shovel full of dog feces and will not leave.
Male neighbor advised this is the third time the woman's dog
has defecated in his yard and he wants it to stop.
Officer will go talk to the neighbors and settle the issue.

10 August, 2008

Matt, you may remember this one?

I just got a new MacBook this week and while uploading all my archived files I came across some very old images. This is one of a flyer from a very short-lived warehouse music club I used love to go to when I lived in Kansas City.
The Rhumba Box was put together by a few ambitious cool kids and ran a lot of local and smaller punk and indy shows.

They pretty much flew under the radar until Beck came to town during his Mellow Gold tour and the kids lined up around the block. Beck graciously put on a second show but I think the exposure, that and the fact that
a bunch of rich suburban Kansas kids parents Lexus' began getting broken into, alerted the powers that be. Soon enough they shut the place down due to "fire code restrictions".

I saw some of the best bands of the time at the Rhumba Box:
Trust Obey
Mazzy Star
Professor Griff
Girls Against Boys
Beck (Much watch link)
Exene Cervenka
Chere UK
Veruca Salt

Plagiarized from a Veruca Salt Interview:

Nina: Jim, what's the best place we've ever played?

Jim: Uh... Kansas City.

Nina: Nonono... what about the Playmore Ballroom? In Rochester, Minnesota?

Jim: The Playmore Ballroom was cool but I think the Liquid Sky tribute club in Kansas City... (laughter)

Nina: Yeah, what about Peter Case's son? There was this club called the Rhumba Box in Kansas City, and...

Jim: It's probably burned down since then...

Nina: No, it was closed down because of asbestos! And there were those nitrous things ALL over the floor... Who in this room has ever done Whip-its? (laughter) ... and the guys were all such posers, and this guy who was Peter Case's son really wanted us to know who his father was, but he couldn't just come out with it... anyway...

Jim: Who was Peter Case with anyway?

Steve: I don't know, the Plimsouls... (laughter)

09 August, 2008

May the Toy Gods Bless Fisher Price

Well, I guess it's time we officially change the name of this blog
to Random Notes From Isobel...But what else could
a doting farter (or father) be expected to do?
Isobel was only two weeks old when we picked this up
at Savers for a couple bucks. As soon as
I saw it I recognized it like I had played with it yesterday.
I loved this stupid piece of plastic as a kid (especially the bell)
and passed it on to my sister Erin. Knowing my mum,
it's still buried in some closet in our house back in Wisconsin.

I took it over to show Mauz and before I uttered a word
she said, "Hey, I had one of those as a kid."
So of course we had to buy it.

Isobel has only just started to really play with it.
She likes the old telephone bit. Ironically she'll never know
any other use for such an obsolete shape.

Last night we had a couple good friends over and
when they spotted the thing they both confessed that they had one as well.
And these are a couple'a young'uns (ten years our junior).
Fisher Price must not of had many novel ideas during the 70's
but this one was definitely a classic.

A Kid's Dream Come True

http://view.break.com/536276 - Watch more free videos

08 August, 2008

Pic of the Day 8 August, 2008

I don't need no stinkin' toys!

Free Prizes!

Spread John McCain's official talking points around the Web -- and you could win valuable prizes!

That, in essence, is the McCain campaign's pitch to supporters to join its new online effort, one that combines the features of "AstroTurf" campaigning with the sort of customer-loyalty programs offered by airlines, hotel chains, restaurants and the occasional daily newspaper.

On McCain's Web site, visitors are invited to
"Spread the Word" about the presumptive Republican nominee by sending campaign-supplied comments to blogs and Web sites under the visitor's screen name. The site offers sample comments ("John McCain has a comprehensive economic plan . . .") and a list of dozens of suggested destinations, conveniently broken down into "conservative," "liberal," "moderate" and "other" categories.

People who sign up for McCain's program receive reward points each time they place a favorable comment on one of the listed Web sites (subject to verification by McCain's webmasters). The points can be traded for prizes, such as books autographed by McCain, preferred seating at campaign events, even a ride with the candidate on his bus(!!!), known as the Straight Talk Express, according to campaign spokesman Brian Rogers.

06 August, 2008

Pic From the Past

Nobody knows who you are!
That's me in the CB t-shirt.
I really thought this was the very Spiderman
I loved to watch on the ELECTRIC COMPANY.
HEY You Guuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyssss!!!!

05 August, 2008

Pic of the Day 5 August, 2008

04 August, 2008

Pic of the Day 4 August, 2008

What not to wear

03 August, 2008

Pic of the day 3 August, 2008

Devo @ Festival Hall

01 August, 2008

Pic of the Day 1 August, 2008