Random Notes From the Southern Hemisphere
Random notes, photos and musings from the "Land Down Under". Lame and self-serving I know, but a good way to keep you all updated as I'll never be any good at emailing.
27 October, 2010
25 October, 2010
23 October, 2010
21 October, 2010
18 October, 2010
Lucy's Guest Blog @ The Design Files
14 October, 2010

100 flexible plastic straws
(The straws with a bendable neck make the most realistic worms by adding ridges to the worm. Place bendable necks of straws at the bottom of the container).
an empty, cleaned 1-quart milk or orange juice carton to hold straws.
(The straws will fill up to the height of the container, the taller the better.)
1 package (6 ounces) raspberry or grape flavor gelatin
3 envelopes unflavored gelatin
3 cups boiling water
3/4 cup whipping cream
12 to 15 drops green food coloring
waxed paper
Instructions: Combine gelatins in a bowl and add boiling water; stir until gelatins completely dissolve. Chill until lukewarm, about 20 min.
Meanwhile, gently pull straws to extend to full length; place in tall container. Wrap together with a loose rubber band to hold straws together.
Blend cream and food coloring with the lukewarm gelatin mixture. Carefully pour into container, filling straws.
Chill until gelatin is firm, at least 8 hours, or cover and chill up to 2 days.
Pull straws from container or, if you're using a carton, simply tear the carton away from the filled straws. Pull straws apart. Run hot tap water for about 2 seconds over 3 to 4 straws at a time. Starting at the empty ends, push worms from straws with rolling pin, or use your fingers.
Lay worms on waxed paper-lined baking sheets. Cover and chill until ready to use, at least 1 hour or up to 2 days. Worms will hold at room temperature for about 2 hours.
12 October, 2010
08 October, 2010
Aspirins - Cutter from Alex Harrison on Vimeo.