A family. (The two most beautiful, brave girls sandwiching
the most awestruck man in the world.)

Isobel diggin her blog while mum sneaks out
for a morning shower.

Finally, an official length measurement:
51cm or 1.7 ft...

Tiny paws.

This picture is poor qualit but it's pretty funny and I loved the moment.
(Isobel looks like a little DJ here; she was having a hearing test.)
The quality is poor because the test results are best when the baby is asleep and the lights were turned down too low for the camera to get a good shot.
Mauz was off with a PT learning how to return her body to a "semi-normal" state so I was enjoying some one-on-one time with my daughter when the test began.
The nurse told me to let her suck my fingern (to settle her down) which was cool by me.
I'm pretty used to this as we have learned to teach Isobel to feed this way.
When she won't latch to the breast (they have to learn?) I give her a finger, Mauz expresses some milk into a teaspoon and I feed her. It's the nearest a dad can ever come to the closeness a mother and daughter get.
Anyway, she passed the hearing test.
She can hear a "clicking sound" at 35 decibels...however loud that is.

I'll publish this all now.
This is how tired I'm feeling.
Tomorrow mum and babe come home!